How Long is the Camino from Lisbon to Porto?

Lisbon tram

A starting point for a pilgrim on the Camino which has had a huge surge in popularity in recent years is the beautiful city of Lisbon, Portugal’s vibrant capital.

From Lisbon, pilgrims can follow the Camino Portugués, which stretches all the way from Lisbon to Santiago de Compostela. However, many walkers and cyclists choose to complete just the Portuguese leg of the journey from Lisbon to Porto.

Window View Porto

How long is the Camino from Lisbon to Porto


The journey from Lisbon to Porto spans approximately 390 kilometres or about 242 miles. The actual distance may vary slightly depending on the exact routes taken and detours made along the way.

Time Required

How long it takes to complete the Camino from Lisbon to Porto depends on several factors, including your chosen mode of travel, your pace, and how many rest days you incorporate into your itinerary.


If you’re planning to walk, you can expect to cover about 20 to 25 kilometres per day at a moderate pace. This means it would take around 16 to 20 days to reach Porto from Lisbon on foot, not accounting for any rest days you might need.


For those choosing to cycle, the journey can be completed in a shorter period. On a bike, you could cover between 40 to 60 kilometres per day, making it possible to reach Porto in about 7 to 10 days. Of course, this estimate will differ based on your level of fitness and the number of sightseeing stops you wish to make.

Cycling the Camino

Terrain and Difficulty

The route from Lisbon to Porto is relatively flat in the beginning but becomes slightly more challenging as you approach Porto. The terrain is diverse, offering a mix of urban landscapes, woodlands, farmlands, and historical sites. While the journey isn’t overly strenuous, it does require a reasonable level of fitness, especially if you’re planning to walk.


Along the Camino, you’ll find various accommodation options ranging from hostels to guesthouses and hotels. Where you stay might also impact how long it takes you to complete this journey. Some prefer luxurious settings to rest and rejuvenate, while others opt for simpler lodgings, aiming to experience the Camino in its most authentic form.

Personal Factors

Personal factors like your overall health, walking speed, and stamina will also contribute to the time it takes for you to complete the route from Lisbon to Porto. It’s advisable to train a bit before you undertake this journey, particularly if you’re not accustomed to long-distance walking or cycling.

The journey from Lisbon to Porto on the Camino de Santiago is a fulfilling experience, rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. Whether you walk or cycle, it’s a journey that offers a lot of flexibility in terms of pace and time. While the distance is approximately 390 kilometres, the time it takes to complete this stretch of the Camino can vary widely, depending on your individual circumstances and preferences.

So, whether you’re a seasoned hiker or a first-timer, the Camino from Lisbon to Porto is sure to be a rewarding experience.

For more information about the Camino de Santiago routes or to plan your trip, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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