O Cebreiro on the Camino Francés

Pilgrims walking on the Camino

A Traditional Mountain Village on the Camino Francés

After leaving Ponferrada on the Camino Francés, between Ponferrada and Sarria, you’ll arrive at O Cebreiro. This tiny mountain village, situated at 1,300 metres above sea level, marks the transition from El Bierzo to Galicia.

O Cebreiro is a unique and tiny gem.

Nestled between the O Courel and Os Ancares mountain ranges, O Cebreiro is home to traditional mountain dwellings called ‘pallozas’. These unique pre-Roman homes can only be found in this part of Galicia.

History of O Cebreiro

Pallozas’ are circular or oval, with granite or slate walls up to 1.70 metres high and thatched roofs. These houses are examples of Celtic design and offer a glimpse into ancient life in the region.

By the early 20th century, O Cebreiro’s church and inn were in ruins, while locals still lived in ‘pallozas’. The priest of O Cebreiro, Don Elías Valiña Sampedro, secured funding to restore the church and village. They built new houses, rehabilitated the ‘pallozas,’ and transformed one into a folk museum.

Today, nine ‘pallozas’ are preserved there. Four are managed by Galicia’s Cultural Council and function as an ethnological museum.

'Pallozas' in O Cebreiro
‘Pallozas’ in O Cebreiro

The Ethnological Museum

At the Ethnological Museum, you can explore a typical ‘palooza’, divided into three sections. One area is for the heads of the family, another larger area centres around the hearth (called ‘lareira’ in Galician), and a third section is for livestock.

The family slept above the livestock area, where they also stored straw. The museum also displays everyday objects from the region, including cradles, kitchen furniture, and crockery, allowing visitors to step back in time.

Things to Do in O Cebreiro

Sample Queixo do Cebreiro, a local soft, creamy cheese made with traditional artisan techniques, free from artificial additives. It pairs perfectly with honey or quince jelly.

Queixo do Cebreiro
Queixo do Cebreiro

Pay Your Respects

Visit the grave of Don Elías Valiña Sampedro, the priest who rediscovered the Camino de Santiago and helped preserve O Cebreiro’s heritage.


Explore the Royal St. Mary’s Church, also known as the Church of St. Benedict. They built this parish church on the site of a 9th-century sanctuary and restored it in 1962.

Church of St. Benedict, O Cebreiro
Church of St. Benedict, O Cebreiro

Must See

Don’t miss the ethnographic museum, where you can learn about the region’s cultural history and daily life in O Cebreiro.

Festivals in O Cebreiro

It hosts the Romaría Virxe do Cebreiro in early September, a festival dedicated to the village’s patron saint. In April, there’s also an annual gastronomic festival celebrating O Cebreiro cheese, which is a must-visit for food lovers.

Feel free to contact us for more information on the Camino Francés or other routes of the Camino de Santiago. We are here to help you plan your perfect pilgrimage.

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