Justin & Patrick Camino de Santiago film

Film of Justin and Patrick's Camino journey

o-cebreiro-mountains-wheelchair-camino-santiago-caminowaysJustin & Patrick Camino de Santiago film

CaminoWays.com readers will probably remember the moving story of Justin & Patrick Camino. The two childhood friends embarked on an amazing Camino de Santiago journey in the Summer. Starting in Saint Jean Pied de Port, Patrick pushed Justin, who is in a wheelchair and can’t use his legs or arms, all the way to Santiago de Compostela across the famous French Way pilgrim trail, with the help of fellow pilgrims and locals.

After 34 days, the two friends completed their journey in Santiago de Compostela but promised this wouldn’t be the end of their Camino journey. Patrick and Justin are currently working on their documentary movie, and their Kickstarter campaign is open until later this month, so you too can contribute and help Patrick and Justin complete their inspirational Camino de Santiago film: check out their website www.illpushyou.com.

And if you would like to read Justin and Patrick’s blog posts from their Camino de Santiago journey:

Part 1 – The Adventure Begins

Part 2 – Mountains and Valleys

Part 3 – Familiar Faces

Part 4 – Something to Learn

Part 5 – Bitter sweet

Part 6 – Crossing the finish line but far from over

For more inspiring pilgrim stories, please visit our blog. If you have any questions about the Camino de Santiago or would like to plan your own trip, please contact us.

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