A Daily Pilgrim Devotional | The Purpose of Pilgrimage

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“Brosius’s daily devotional provides an important reminder of the purpose of pilgrimage and a legitimate addition to one’s scallop shell of quiet. He draws on many of the world’s great wisdom traditions, and that eclecticism goes to the heart of the Camino. From the stoicism of Seneca in the first century to the soulful introspection of poet Cees Nooteboom writing in the twenty-first to the fierce love for the beloved of Sufi mystic Rumi—and in-between we are fed tapas from the Psalms. A worthy treat for the soul.”

—John Brierley, author of Camino Guides


Author G. M. T. Brosius: An Introduction

G. M. T. Brosius currently lives in Spain. Born in the U.S., he has lived in Atlanta, Tampa, and New York City.

He has had limited performances as an actor and model for the screen, theatre, and print.

Among his many travels, he walked the Camino Francés route over 800 km of the Camino de Santiago and received a Compostella in 2018.

Currently, he studies ancient Greek and plans a future pilgrimage to the ancient site of Mount Athos.


Interview with G. M. T. Brosius

Please describe the contents of your book and the main intent.

A Daily Pilgrim Devotional serves as a daily devotional book for the hundreds of thousands to carry in their backpacks as they are called by the path’s spirit to a holy and sacred site. The author has chosen words of inspiration carefully from ancient philosophers, statesmen, religious fathers, and other authors who have written about pilgrimage and life as a journey. At the end of each daily entry, the author has an interpretive meaning which conveys a message of faith, hope, and the resulting triumph of the pilgrim’s finish.

Why would someone be interested in purchasing a copy of A Daily Pilgrim Devotional?

This book is for the pilgrim who will walk on one of the most important medieval pilgrimage routes of Christendom, the Camino de Santiago. In 2019 the number of people walking this route was approximately 350,000 and they came from all nations and faiths. Therefore, the book includes writers from all faiths, Christian, Jewish, and Islam, and those that lack faith. The book is published in English, yet there are a few key verses in Latin, French, and Spanish that are respectful of an international fellowship. At a minimal weight of only 3.35 ounces (95 grams) and a size of 5 x 8 inches (12 x 20 cm), it was created for the person to place in their backpacks or mochilas. Pilgrims will also be able to write on the back of each of the 35 daily entries as a way to memorialize his or her journey and therefore to keep as a memento of their achievement.

Le Chemin du Puy in France

Who is the primary audience of your book and most likely who will be attracted to the book?

The primary audience for this book will be pilgrims who intend to walk the Chemin d’ Arles, du Puy, and de Paris routes plus the Camino Frances, which begins in the cities of either St. Jean Pied de Port, France and Roncesvalles, Spain along with the route of the Camino del Norte which begins around Irun, Spain; the Camino Via-de-la-Plata which begins around Sevilla, Spain and the Camino Mozarabe in Grenada, Spain.

In addition, a secondary audience is individuals who may wish to revisit their spiritual journey through a devotional guide while they are at home or due to physical ailment and illness are not able to partake in a day-to-day pilgrimage. Lastly, the book further calls to those pilgrims worldwide who wish to walk to other holy sites and shrines as a profession of the holy spirit and faith such as in Italy, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Japan.


As an author, what made you decide to write and publish A Daily Pilgrim Devotional?

Previously, no devotional book had been published for pilgrims as an aid in their meditation and daily prayer while walking. As such, I realized I could combine a passion for classical readings by authors with astounding knowledge and wisdom in a devotional format so that the pilgrim may reference each day to complete the toilsome tasks his or her feet endure. In an era where it is difficult to disseminate ancient wisdom for a modern world, we need inspiration from others’ success in overcoming difficult trials, both physically and spiritually. A pilgrimage is not in any way easy, so the devotional book was created as a pilgrim’s tool.

“A Daily Pilgrim Devotional was created as an aid, a tool of sorts to assist the pilgrim on a day to day basis as he or she walks. Each day, the pilgrim may reflect his or her day by inscribing on the back of each devotional their thoughts and experiences which then they may keep as a memento of their journey.” – Gene Brosius 

What valuable lessons may the reader learn from the devotional books compared to others?

The reader (pilgrim) will have exposed him or herself to a collection of poets, statesmen, philosophers of antiquity, and writers who have embarked on similar pilgrimages throughout their lives. It is these anecdotes that may invoke current pilgrims and those in contemplation of embarking on a meditative journey which by having aid for them will act as an intercessor for their personal growth. The 35 daily entries speak to acts of virtue through courage, hope, and faith.

It may appear religious to the most pious individual while appearing the opposite to those that practice no religion. That is the beauty of A Daily Pilgrim Devotional, it was created for pilgrims and those who are unknown to the art of pilgrimaging which has endured and changed over the millennium. Finally, although read alone, the person will not feel alone as A Daily Pilgrim Devotional will be their friend along their journey. He or she may also follow up directly with new source material by the original writer which can be found at the end in the bibliography section.


“Sometimes people ask me why do so many people return for another Camino and another and then another? My answer is “because our soul has finally found that path which leads us to the knowledge of wisdom and truth. We are at home there. And our soul knows it. Instead of our physical presence leading the soul, the soul leads us. That is why people return to the Camino.”  – Gene Brosius

Where can a reader find your book?

A Daily Pilgrim Devotional is available in e-readable format, soft and hard copy. Currently, it is offered in over 18 countries and available at select locations and independent bookstores.

You can also purchase the book on Amazon.

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