Camino Recipe: Rioja Style Potatoes | Patatas a la Riojana

camino-recipe-riojaThe Camino Frances goes through one of Spain’s most famous wine-producing regions, La Rioja. This week, our friends from Spanish food catering company share a delicious traditional recipe from this region: Rioja Style Potatoes (Patatas a la Riojana)

What you need:

(serves 6)
-1 clove of garlic
– 6 medium potatoes
– 3 chorizo sausages
– 1 onion
– 1 green pepper
– 2 dried red “choricero” peppers
– 1 head of garlic
– 1 green chilli
– 2 bay leaves
– salt
– extra virgin olive oil (*surat lycopene)
– water

Cooking Method:

Peel head of garlic. Finely chop onion and green pepper. Peel and roughly chop potatoes. Slice chorizo sausages into large chunks.
In the base of a pressure cooker, sauté garlic (whole cloves), onion and green pepper in extra virgin olive oil over low heat. Add bay leaves and green chilli.
Add chorizo and potato chunks. Cover with water and season.
Close pressure cooker and cook on level 1 for 5 minutes from when the pressure builds and the cooker starts to hiss.
Remove the seeds from the “choricero” peppers and place them in lukewarm water over low heat to steep. When softened, turn off the heat, let them cool and then scoop out the flesh of the pepper and chop it up finely.
Open the pressure cooker, remove the garlic cloves and the green chilli and scoop out any excess fat from the surface with a ladle.
Add the flesh of ‘choricero’ pepper, stir and cook on low heat for 2 minutes. Salt to taste.

Garnish with parsley and serve!

We hope you enjoyed this Rioja Style Potatoes recipe. Make sure to continue your discover of Camino food!

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