Camino Recipe: Fish and Shellfish Soup – Sopa Marinera

bouillabaisse french fish soup, french, fish soup-1603961.jpg

sopamarinera-Camino-recipe-300x207Fish and Shellfish Soup – Sopa Marinera

Our friends from, the Dublin-based Spanish catering company, share another tasty Camino de Santiago recipe. This week’s recipe has a distinctive coastal flavour: sopa marinera, a fish and shellfish soup.

What you will need:

(for 4 people)

1 litre fish stock
460g mussels (well cleaned)
300g clams (well cleaned)
300g monkfish
2 leeks
2 cloves garlic
1 courgette
1 tablespoon plain flour
1 glass white wine
1/2 glass brandy
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon tarragon / basil
1 tablespoon plain tomato sauce
1 teaspoon sweet paprika
1 sprig parsley


Sauté garlic and sweet paprika in a saucepan and when it begins to turn golden, add finely chopped onion, leek and courgette. Add pinch of salt and leave to cook for 5 minutes.

Then add flour and stir. Add white wine and brandy. Simmer for 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour in fish stock and bring to boil. Cook for 8 minutes.

Blend with hand-mixer in saucepan.

Chop monkfish into 5cm chunks and add to soup. Add cleaned clams and mussels. Pour in plain tomato sauce.

Simmer for a further 3-4 minutes.

Before serving, add salt to taste and stir in parsley.

Serve in bowl with sprig of thyme.

Enjoy it!

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