Camino Recipe: pancakes

pancakes, crepe, pancake-2020863.jpg Recipe: pancakes

Happy pancake Tuesday from the team! Pancakes are a popular desert for Carnival time, Entroido in Galicia where they are called ‘filloas’ or ‘freixós’. If you are walking the Camino de Santiago this time of the year, you are in for a treat. Traditionally, they were also made with savoury ingredients. Here’s another easy Camino recipe:

What you will need:

200grs Flour
400 ml Milk
100ml Water
Pinch of salt
Spoonful of sugar
3 eggs
toppings to your taste: honey, lemon, sugar, whipped cream, chocolate spread, maple syrup!
a non-stick pan
sunflower oil or butter to grease the pan


Mix all the ingredients well either by hand or using a blender. Grease the pan. The first pancake is always a bit messy so don’t worry. Pour a scoop of batter using a ladle and shake the pan to make sure the batter is evenly distributed. Leave on the heat until the batter bubbles up a bit and the edges start separating from the pan. With the help of a wooden spatula flip the pancakes to cook the other side. Leave for a couple of minutes and then take out of the heat. Grease the pan and start over again!

Enjoy with topping of your choice!

For more information about more Camino de Santiago festivals, Camino food, the Camino routes or to book your Camino trip, contact our travel specialists.

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