Camino Recipe: Seafood Paella

Camino Recipe: Seafood Paella

To celebrate Summer, our friends from Spanish catering company share this recipe for a classic Seafood Paella. Make it at home to remind you of the flavours of the Camino de Santiago and enjoy the weather!


Seafood Paella Ingredients

What you need: (serves 8 people)

from FoodFiesta:
• 8 tablespoons Spanish extra virgin olive oil
• 2 tablespoons red “chorizo” pepper jelly
• 600 grams paella rice
• 1 teaspoon powdered yellow paella colouring
• 1 tiny sprig of saffron
• 3 dozen Spanish green olives

from your fishmonger:
• 100 g fresh cod, crumbled
• 300 g cuttlefish, diced
• 300 g squid, cut into rings
• ½ kg prawns
• ½ kg clams
• 1 kg mussels
• 1½-2 litres fish stock

from your greengrocer:
• 2 tomatoes, chopped
• 1 onion, chopped
• 2 cloves of garlic
• 100 g garden peas
• pickled roasted red bell peppers, cut into strips
• chopped parsley
• 2 lemons, cut into segments
• few pinches of salt

Seafood Paella: Method

Warm olive oil in a paella pan and lightly sauté the chopped onion for 5 minutes until just golden. Add diced cuttlefish, red pepper jelly and chopped tomato and fry on medium heat for a further 5 minutes.

Reduce heat to medium-low. Then pour in paella rice and stir for 1 minute. Sprinkle in powdered paella colouring and stir into rice. Add clams, mussels and crumbled cod.

Increase heat to high and immediately add about two-thirds of the fish stock (heated beforehand, if possible) till it reaches approximately two “fingers” above the level of the rice in the paella pan. Add a couple of pinches of salt. Bring to boil. Keep on the boil and add prawns and peas, topping up with more hot stock if needed.

Reduce heat to medium. Crush saffron, garlic and parsley in mortar, add few drops of stock, mix and add to sprinkle into paella. Add olives. Taste for salt and, if necessary, add more.

Leave the paella to cook like this –no stirring– until the water has disappeared. Remove from heat when the rice has reached your desired consistency: creamy and sticky (slightly less time) or drier and looser (cook slightly longer).

Before turning off the heat, decorate paella with the red pepper strips placed on top, lengthways, from the centre outward.

Finally, remove from heat and leave the paella to rest for 5 minutes, covered with a damp tea towel.

When ready to serve, remove the tea towel, dish up and serve with a chunk of lemon.

Enjoy this deliciously summery Camino food! Find more recipes with our Camino food eBook.

For more information on any of our walking or cycling tours please contact one of our Travel Specialists.


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