Tips for cycling the Camino de Santiago

Tips for cycling the Camino de Santiago

Before going on your Camino de Santiago it is important to plan and preapre as much as possible. Here are our tips for cycling the Camino de Santiago.

1- Wear Proper Clothing for Your Trip

Before going on your Camino de Santiago it is important to anticipate the climate of the area you are going to be cycling so pack your gear accordingly keeping in mind the time of year you are travelling.

2- Know How to Make Minor Repairs and Adjustments

People who cycle regularly know that flat tyres are quite common, therefore if you know how to change it this could save you time and money. So basic knowledge will help you a lot on the Camino.
It’s important to know how to make minor adjustments to your bike, like maintaining your brakes in good condition. Getting familiar with how to do other adjustments, like replacing a slipped chain or tightening various bolts, is also recommended. Make sure that you carry a repair kit before cycling the Camino (if you book with, your bike for the Camino will come with a repair kit included).

3- Pack Snacks and Water

Obviously cycling takes a lot of energy. To avoid lack of energy, you will need to pack for example some fruits (bananas, apples…), fig bars or energy-packed snacks to keep you going. Equally, energy bars provide a handy combination of nutrients to propel you down the road.
Staying hydrated is even more important especially in summer. Whether you are walking or cycling, drink at regular intervals, every 30 minutes for example.

4- Carry Your ID, Cell Phone and Money

Being prepared is a very important rule for cycling. Accidents happen. If they do, you’ll want to be able to call for help. Many smart phones have GPS technology today or the capacity to access the Internet for a map, so do not hesitate to use them. If there’s been an accident, you can easily find emergency help.
It’s also a good idea to pack your ID and a debit card or small amount of cash. Money and an ID can be absolutely vital when you’re in trouble.

5- Pannier Packing Tips

Keep it simple and light. Take the minimum you need for the day’s cycle, like water, food, ID, phone and money.

6- Safety First


The most important of the tips for cycling the Camino de Santiago is to make sure you’re as safe as possible at all times. Check your helmet before you leave and check that it fits snugly but comfortably and doesn’t obstruct your view. It’s also good to check that all bolts are tightened and your brakes are working correctly. Don’t forget to review and study your Camino route before hitting the road. Always pay attention to your environment, you are much smaller and less powerful than the cars you may be sharing the road with. That makes proper signalling, turning and attentiveness all the more important. Always watch out for walkers on your path, especially in the busiest parts of the Camino, as you get closer to Santiago.

Now you are ready to cycle the Camino de Santiago!

*We recommend cycling the Camino de Santiago only if you have some cycling experience and essential bike maintenance knowledge.

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