Tips for Cycling the Camino – Part 1

Tips for Cycling the Camino – Part 1

While most Camino de Santiago pilgrims follow the Camino routes to Santiago on foot, over 10% of pilgrims arriving in Santiago each year do so by bike. They are called ‘bicigrinos’ (bike pilgrims). If you are preparing to be a bicigrino in 2024, Peter Duffy has prepared two handy articles to help you prepare. For part 1, he focuses on practical information and essentials By Peter Duffy.

If you are thinking about dusting off your old bike to prepare for cycling the Camino, this blog is for you! Like walking, cycling also requires dedication and preparation, as many factors can impact your performance. Here are 7 cycling tips for your Camino:

1. Set up your bike correctly

This is number 1 on the list for a reason. Suppose you commit to riding a bicycle not tailored to your body. In that case, the chances of you struggling and not enjoying your Camino de Santiago cycle becomes a frustrating reality.

People differ concerning arm, leg, and torso length, so I suggest visiting your local specialist bike shop. They will alter the saddle and handlebar positions for you (or adjust them when you receive your rental bike).

2. Cycling Kit

Yes!! They’re tight, they’re vibrant, and the prices can be a bit cheeky, but the following pieces of equipment will make your Camino far more enjoyable and safe:

  • Bike Helmet—a no-brainer! Protecting your head must be a priority! Helmets these days are lightweight, well-ventilated, and can save your life. Remember, helmet rental is included in your cycling package.
  • Cycling Shorts—Make sure that your cycling shorts are seamless and chafe-free. This will help prevent soreness from repeated rubbing while cycling.
  • The Basics – (included in your package if renting a bike as part of your trip with
  • A puncture repair kit & pump.
  • A spare inner tube.
  • Knowledge of how to change a tyre and mend a puncture.

3. Sunglasses

Sunglasses are essential for your Camino journey; they will help by:

  • Keeping dust and flies out of your eyes.
  • Reducing glare and reflections.
  • Sharpening your vision in low light conditions, especially if you choose a pair with interchangeable lenses.

4. Keep Hydrated!!

Sports drinks and water are essential to stay hydrated during your cycle. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty to drink, as thirst indicates you’re already dehydrated. Make sure to drink frequently!


  • Straw-coloured urine: This indicates good hydration. Aim for light yellow urine, similar to lemonade.
  • Pale yellow urine: This also suggests you’re well-hydrated.
  • Darker yellow urine: This means you need to drink more fluids. The darker the urine, the more dehydrated you are.
  • Amber or honey-coloured urine: This indicates significant dehydration. You should increase your fluid intake immediately.
  • Brownish urine: This can be a sign of severe dehydration or other health issues. Seek medical advice if this occurs.

5. Keep Energised!!

Running low on energy can hinder your enjoyment of the Camino. Just like any intense activity, your body will need more fuel. To keep your energy levels up, eat small, frequent meals or snacks while on the move. Energy bars are perfect for a quick boost during your journey.

6. Practice, Practice, Practice!!

Don’t wait until the last minute or the week before your Camino to start your first long cycle. It’s crucial for your body to gradually adapt to new or unfamiliar activities.

Check out the following Beginner Training Program Table:


This will gradually increase your endurance level and make you more efficient in utilising your body’s fuel. Keep in mind this is also an excellent opportunity to explore new areas.

7. Interval Cycling

Interval Cycling is excellent for improving your cycling fitness. Try incorporating faster-paced intervals into your ride: pedal at a higher speed for 5 minutes, followed by a 3-minute recovery period. Repeat this cycle throughout your session. Always remember to warm up before and cool down after your ride.

Read Pete’s Cycling the Camino Tips part 2!

To read more Camino fitness and training articles.

For more information about cycling the Camino or to book your Camino de Santiago holiday, contact us.

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