What Solo Pilgrims Say About The Camino de Santiago

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What Solo Pilgrims Say About The Camino de Santiago

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to walk the Camino as a solo traveller? We offer a number of customisable self-guided tours for solo pilgrims along the Camino de Santiago so that you can experience everything you want to at your own pace.

Walking the Camino as a solo traveller doesn’t mean that you walk alone. You will still have so many opportunities to meet fellow pilgrims as you walk the way to Santiago de Compostela.

Walking the Camino de Santiago as a solo traveller is very doable and something our pilgrims really love. To help you get a real sense of the Camino, we asked some past solo pilgrims to share their experiences of being a solo traveller on the Camino de Santiago.

Pilgrim feeling the essence of the Camino

“I did the Camino del Norte from Bilbao to Santiago de Compostela starting on 4 June & finishing on 5 July (including 2 rest/sightseeing days). My walk distance was approximately 740 Km & a thoroughly fantastic experience. The Northern Way has magnificent coastal scenery as well as beautiful medieval towns along the route. Being a 64-year-old male (walking solo), I chose not to stay at the hostels but instead arranged my accommodation through CaminoWays. I appreciated that wherever practical, the accommodation was located in the centre of town, close to key attractions. Overall I would recommend the Camino as a should-do experience & CaminoWays as a great company to assist you to make it happen.” – Jim, Australia

“Beautiful scenery through forests vineyards villages and farms, rustic Spanish food and tasty tapas, very good local wines, amazing old churches, and a 3-day stay in Santiago at the end…excellent culture and tapas tour of Santiago with Juan.” – Catherine, Ireland

Wonderful places to visit and pit-stops along the way. Could be easily embarrassed by the Galician hospitality. Brush up on a bit of basic Spanish to enjoy it more. The hotels were clean and comfortable, food was simple and nourishing. Travelled with my wife and mid-20s daughters, but met good friendly fellow travellers along the way. Each to their own but a sense of community. There’s something for everyone on this peaceful walk, and the guidance of Caminoways just makes it a little easier. – Con, Ireland

Walking on the Camino

“The Camino experience is a very special one. A lovely blend of gentle countryside, inspiring walking, meeting good people, good food and weather. In early April I expected and got a lot of rain! As a solo traveller, the support offered by CaminoWays from the telephone booking on was encouraging and helpful. ” – Marius, UK

My tour was custom designed by the lovely folks at Camino Ways. I went solo and together we crafted the number of kilometres I wanted to walk, what villages to stay in, and to top it off – a bike rental for 3 days to chill out at Finisterra & Muxia (by the sea). The plan worked out very smoothly and effectively. One of the best features was that the overnights were always centrally located and the best in the area. Very impressed! – Luna, USA

I just completed the 29-day Way of St. Francis from Florence to Rome. It was my first time doing anything like this and I did it solo. The few other travellers I met on the Way thought I must be crazy doing this on my own for the first time, but I loved it. Challenging?…Absolutely in every sense; physically, emotionally and spiritually. However, that is just what I needed. The comfort of knowing that my lodging, bag transfer, and meals were taken care of allowed me to not stress and enjoy the trek. (I met other pilgrims who did not have this assurance and it became a nightmare and very stressful for them, the Way of St. Francis is not as travelled as the Way of St. James and these things are not always readily available). One important thing: Plan rest days into your trip! I just purchased the 29-day trip shown on here, but you really need a day off each week. I suggest staying an extra day at Laverna, Asissi, and Poggio Bustone, just to have some relaxation. It’s pretty rough just going straight through and you will miss a lot! I would definitely recommend this trip for those who want a spiritual experience as well as a physical one. Thank you CaminoWays for this opportunity!” – timothy , USA,

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I did a section of the Camino from Porto. Beautiful countryside, pretty towns, excellent markings and signage and lovely cafes en route. I will be back next year to do another section for sure!” – Margaret, Ireland

“This September I did my second trip with CaminoWays. My husband and I walked for 16 days. We started in Porto, Portugal and walked to Santiago (12 days) and then on to Finisterre (4 days.) This Camino is not nearly as popular as the French Way, but it is very lovely. I took hundreds of pictures. Each day was an exciting adventure. The luggage transfers worked perfectly. What a pleasure to only carry your day back and have your luggage shuttled to the next destination.” – Mary, USA

It was a marvellous journey from Sarria to Santiago. I went alone. All aspects of the trip were very well organized with respect to lodging, meals, luggage transfers, and directions. I felt safe at all times. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I would most definitely book with Camino Ways on my next adventure. – Dorie, Canada

Solo pilgrims on the Via Francigena in Tuscany

“Being a solo traveller who has never been to Spain, I opted to go with an agency that will take care of all my needs and yet is decently priced. Service from the CaminoWays crew have been nothing but cordial, informative and efficient (bar one boo-boo which was quickly sorted). Airport pickups, luggage transfers, accommodations (bar one) and meals were all top-notch. Not forgetting the detailed notes, maps and passport. Lastly, our guide Jesus is simply a God-send, providing good directions, info and support. The Santiago native is truly a shining beacon to his home city. Am really impressed with the service throughout the trip and would highly recommend Camino Ways.” – Marguerita – guided tour from sarria to santiago

“I want to tell you how perfect everything was throughout my 5 days of relatively easy walking on the French Camino. I’m in my late 70s and certainly not a long-distance walker, but you arranged a walk that was possible for me, and I enjoyed every minute (except for the uphill patches!). I had been a little anxious about how baggage transfer would work, but it did work, and most efficiently. My bag was always at its destination waiting for me. And each hotel was a treat, truly — comfort and pleasure at day’s end — super clean, attractive, welcoming. After the first hard day of walking 14km I got into the swing of it and especially enjoyed impromptu chats with other pilgrims as we passed on the trail or lodged together in hotels. I always knew you were there if I needed emergency help just as you had been all through the process of signing on and getting ready.” – Rocio, USA

Well, there you have it! Walking the Camino solo is a wonderful and unforgettable journey. While the experience can be tough, it is more than worth it for the sense of achievement at the end of your Camino, at least that’s what solo pilgrims say.

If you’re interested in walking the Camino and you’d like to talk to a member of our team about all that’s involved, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You can also stay up-to-date with our latest news and events on Facebook.

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