Life on the Camino de Santiago: 6 Lessons we learn

Where does the Camino de Santiago start?

Life on the Camino de Santiago: 6 Lessons we Learn

The Camino journey tends to linger in your mind long after you pack your walking shoes (or cycling shorts) and go back home. But there are lessons we learn during life on the Camino that will stick with us forever.

As many thousands of pilgrims have discovered over the centuries, I realise the Camino journey teaches us all a few simple but very important lessons for that long-distance path that is called life.

Some of them might be obvious but busy lives and hectic schedules get in the way and we often don’t have the time to reflect on this.

This is when the Camino comes in and touches you with its magic: It is time to take one hill at a time, get the bike wheel moving, breathe in the fresh morning air, and keep going…

Life on the Camino de Santiago: 6 Lessons we learn


1. Each day brings a brand new beautiful start

Each morning brings a day full of possibilities. No matter how tired or much your achy limbs might complain, once you are up and get moving, you are ready to take on this brand new start. What will the day bring? Que sera, sera?

2. The path has its ups and downs

There are easy parts and there are difficult stages. There are hills to climb, stoney paths, and hurdles to cross. What goes up will (generally) also come back down … and riding down the hill makes up for the toughest parts of the journey. The views from the top are pretty amazing too! So take a breather to enjoy the moment.


3. Some pushing uphill is sometimes required

Nobody said it would be easy and pushing uphill is sometimes required but after all the pushing, we hope for some freewheeling…

4. Things don’t always go according to plan

There could be a puncture along the way … or three. You are about to fly down a hill when you realise two of the bikes have punctured and the spare tube might not be the right size. Actually, you haven’t changed a tube in a loooong while. You were hoping to make it to the next town for lunch but suddenly your arrival time is in danger of being pushed by two hours. Will we make it before night falls? Where are the lights?

Things don’t always go according to plan … but on the upside, teamwork will save the day. After the event, it will be one of the fondest and funniest memories.


5. It is all about enjoying, and sharing this wonderful journey

Life, like the Camino, is a wonderful journey but after the longest hill, the hardest climb… you will need people around you to laugh about it.


6. You can do it

No matter how difficult or uphill… it will be a challenge but you can do it and it’s worth it!

Bonus extra! 7.You will do it all over again… and again

You will reach Santiago and feel you just want to keep going, you would do it all over and chances are you will be back again… soon!

For more information about the Camino de Santiago or to book your trip, contact our travel specialists by filling out the form below:


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