5 signs that you need to plan your next Camino trip

Group trip on the Camino

The days at the desk are long, and daydreaming about the next getaway gets you through the most brutal Monday. We’ve all been there. Suppose you are sharing that feeling and, in addition, are showing the following symptoms. In that case, we can accurately diagnose you with acute Camino de Santiago withdrawal syndrome or Caminoitis. There is only one way to treat it: planning your next Camino trip!

scallop-shells-walking-camino-de-santiago-caminowaysThese are the 5 top signs that you need to plan your next Camino trip:

1 – St James is everywhere

First, you notice a St James Church, followed by St James Street, then a school, a hospital, golf club… first in your city and now everywhere you go. You’ve even started getting excited every time you meet someone called Jim!


2 – Yellow arrows

Any random yellow arrow takes you back to the Camino. It could be a construction site or a parking lot, but you can’t help thinking, ‘Maybe if I follow them, they will take me to Santiago…’

3 – Eating scallops will never be the same

Every scallop shell reminds you of the Camino, which means your family and friends have stopped taking you to seafood restaurants – and the fishmonger!

4 – An urgent need to get walking

A short 5km stroll won’t do, you have this urgent feel to walk ‘somewhere’.

5 – ‘When I was on the Camino…’

…is your most repeated line. No matter what the conversation might be about, you’ll always relate it to your Camino trip. For this reason, your friends have stopped asking you questions (any questions).

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, as well as a compulsive need to wish passersby a ‘Buen Camino!’ get in touch with the CaminoWays.com travel specialists, as a quick quote for a Camino trip might just be your cure!

In the meantime, you can keep reading more articles on our Camino blog or have a look at all the great Camino trips you could be taking here: Camino de Santiago routes.contact-us-button

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