How can I share my Camino Experience?

Sharing Camino experiences

The Camino de Santiago is an unforgettable journey for many pilgrims and has inspired many books and movies. You might not have a book or a movie in mind, but if you’d like to share your Camino experience, we would love to hear from enthusiastic pilgrims.

share my Camino Experience

Whether the Camino has changed your life or you’d like to express what a fantastic time you had and the friends you made along the way, here’s how you can share your Camino experience:

Camino Memories

Our Camino Memories page is a space for pilgrims to share pictures of their Camino trip. You can see all Camino Memories and share your own here: Camino Memories.

Our Camino Blog

We also publish guest blog posts on our Camino blog from time to time. This could be a story, reflections on your experience, a poem or any other text inspired by your trip. Just email us your story along with a couple of pictures if you’d like to publish your Camino experience.


If you want to share your trip feedback with our team, you can do so by email and on TripAdvisor and Feefo. Read more here: How to share your trip review.

For more information about the Camino de Santiago routes or to book your trip, contact us.

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