Why Travel in 2022 is Full of Possibility And Positivity

Why Travel in 2022 is Full of Possibility And Positivity

Thinking Positively About Travel in 2022

This year is shaping up to be the biggest travel year since 2019, thanks to advances in vaccine programmes and a general desire for travel in 2022. We have spent the better part of the past two years stuck at home and our wanderlust has been bubbling away. It’s safe to say that it’s now reached boiling point.

We’re approaching 2022 with an open mind and really, one filled with a lot more positivity than the past two years. Here at CaminoWays, we’ve been delighted to have had pilgrims travelling on the Camino de Santiago nonstop since July 2021.

This period of uninterrupted travel has filled us with a real sense of optimism that the travel industry is well on its way to recovery, which is great for all travel and tourism companies and of course, for you, our eager travellers. We’ve definitely updated our passports and the holiday browsing has begun!

Why You Should Be Feeling Positive

While things aren’t 100% back to normal and may not be for some time, we can’t forget just how far we’ve come. When we think back to 2020, whole countries were locked down and travel was effectively at a standstill. In many places, you couldn’t even leave your home.

By 2021, things were definitely getting better. With the fastest production of vaccines in history, small freedoms were returning and for most, 2021 was the year of the staycation. For those able and willing, international travel reopened to a degree and we got a sense of ourselves and our lives back again.

Initiatives like the Digital Covid Pass, PCR testing and travel forms were annoying but a small price to pay for the chance to travel. There was also a feeling of safety in knowing that those on your plane were either recently tested against Covid-19 or were vaccinated.

Flashforward to 2022 and we have booster shots, an upcoming antiviral drug from Pfizer and lockdowns are hopefully a thing of the past. The most recent Covid-19 variant is also milder than its predecessors, which is a great sign that the pandemic is reaching a positive turning point.

While the pandemic isn’t over, we are continuing to make strides towards normalcy and this year is looking like it will be almost as busy, if not as busy as 2019 in terms of international travel.

Travel Trends For 2022

2022 is the year to go big! Whether it’s that bucket list destination you’ve always wanted to tick off or something completely new and spontaneous, feelings of wanderlust are strong. Things haven’t looked this rosy since 2019!

Airlines and travel companies have been carrying out surveys and polls and have found that consumer confidence is growing, with holidays being snapped up quickly. There’s a trend showing that people are planning in advance in order to ensure they get the best deal they can. There may even end up being a struggle to find a holiday, especially with 2020 rebooks and vouchers getting used this year.

Travel in 2022 is also likely to see a lot more last-minute bookings (people sussing out the Covid situation closer to the time of booking), holidays in nature and people travelling for happiness and positive mental health benefits.

So, if like me, you find yourself constantly scrolling through Skyscanner or returning to look at your favourite travel website over and over (CaminoWays – wink, wink!), the urge to travel is well and truly present.

Here at CaminoWays, we already have quite a number of bookings on our system, especially for peak season and due to Holy Year. It’s great to see that people are confident enough to travel and it’s a real sign of a turning point in the pandemic.

The Camino in 2022

The Camino is a great place to go if you’re looking for a safe return to travel in 2022. As an outdoor activity, you’ll be least exposed to any potential infections. Moreover, the Camino is something you can do completely at your own pace and either alone or with companions.

We’ve had travellers on the Camino nonstop since July 2021 and it’s been going very well, with travellers enjoying all the Camino, its towns and cities have to offer, from food and attractions to meeting fellow pilgrims.

The Camino countries (Spain, France, Italy) have also fully vaccinated more than 80% of their populations, which means there’s a lot more freedom of movement and restaurants, bars and hotels are all open, as are tourist attractions.

So really, 2022 is a great time to tackle the Camino de Santiago and it’s sure to be an exciting trip of a lifetime. For more information about planning your ideal trip, you can contact our travel specialists. To get your own inspiration, check out our routes and read all about the Camino on our blog.

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Making Your Travel Plans More Secure

While there is always a degree of unpredictability with travel (even before the pandemic), there are some measures you can take to ensure that your trips are as safe and secure as possible. We recommend:

  • Getting travel insurance – Everyone should have travel insurance, now more than ever. Ideally, choose an insurance company that will cover you should you need to cancel your trip due to Covid-19.
  • Researching airlines and their policies – Many airlines are offering a free flight change or travel credits should something go wrong.
  • Booking early – People who had to cancel trips in 2020 will have travel vouchers they need to redeem so you will be competing with them for availability. The sooner you book, the better chance you have of securing your perfect trip.
  • Getting vaccinated – If you can, get vaccinated and get a booster shot as full vaccination is a requirement for entry into a lot of countries.
  • Staying up-to-date with the Covid-19 travel news, but try not to be ruled by fear.

Finally, it’s important to try and think positively when it comes to travelling in 2022. We’ve come a long way from the lockdowns of 2020 and we hope things will only continue to improve.

If I was to offer any advice, I would say that having the confidence and willingness to travel will be half the battle for travel in 2022. A bit of flexibility and patience in our current times is also key to a successful trip.

Most importantly, make sure your passport is up-to-date and that you check all necessary documents. And maybe charge your camera too! If you’ve any questions or would like to get in touch, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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