Who is Saint James?

Saint James

Saint James, often referred to as James the Greater, is a remarkable figure in the Christian tradition, celebrated for his apostolic works and unwavering faith. Born in the first century AD, he was the son of Zebedee and Salome and the brother of John the Apostle, another important personality in the Christian faith. James was a Galilean fisherman by trade, living a simple life until a life-changing event unfolded by the Sea of Galilee.

The Calling

One fateful day, James and his brother John were mending their fishing nets when Jesus of Nazareth approached them. In a moment that would change their lives forever, Jesus invited them to follow him and become “fishers of men.” Without hesitation, the brothers left their nets, their boat, and even their father to join Jesus in his ministry. This calling was not just a career change; it was a spiritual mission that would take James to far-off lands, spreading the message of Jesus and contributing to the foundation of Christianity.

santiago ccathedral
santiago ccathedral

Life as an Apostle

Once he became an apostle, James quickly emerged as one of the most zealous and courageous among Jesus’ closest followers. He was one of the select apostles present during significant events in Jesus’ life, such as the Transfiguration, where Jesus revealed his divine nature to his closest disciples. The Gospels often list James among the three closest apostles to Jesus—the others being Peter and his own brother John. This trio was privileged to witness and participate in moments that were pivotal in the story of Jesus.

His Missionary Work

After the Crucifixion of Jesus and the subsequent rise of the Christian Church, James took on the role of a missionary. Like many apostles, he embarked on journeys to spread the teachings of Jesus Christ. According to historical and ecclesiastical accounts, he travelled far and wide, even reaching the Iberian Peninsula (modern-day Spain and Portugal) to preach the Gospel. Though faced with adversity, his courage and determination never wavered.

saint james - portico-de-la-gloria. santiago cathedral
saint james – portico-de-la-gloria. Santiago cathedral


James’ fearless evangelism eventually led him to a tragic end. King Herod Agrippa I, eager to suppress the burgeoning Christian movement, ordered James’ arrest and subsequent execution, making him the first apostle to be martyred. His death, though heartbreaking, became a source of inspiration for future generations of Christians. He was willing to give up his life for the beliefs he so passionately upheld.

Legacy and Veneration

Saint James’ legacy continues to impact the world today. He is venerated as the patron saint of Spain, and his remains are believed to be interred in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain. This site has become one of the most important pilgrimage destinations in the Christian world, attracting hundreds of thousands of pilgrims annually. Known as the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of Saint James, this pilgrimage offers spiritual seekers a unique journey of faith, reflection, and community.

His emblem, a scallop shell, is synonymous with pilgrimage and has become a symbol of safe travel and hospitality. The shell is often seen on trails and paths leading to Santiago de Compostela, reassuring pilgrims that they are on the right way.

Saint James is not just a historical figure but a spiritual beacon whose life and sacrifices continue to guide and inspire people in their faith journeys. His unwavering commitment to spreading the message of Jesus has left an indelible mark on Christian history, and his legacy as a devoted apostle and fearless missionary endures to this day.

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