FAQ: Types of Via Francigena Accommodation

FAQ: Types of Via Francigena Accommodation

There are various types of accommodation available when walking the route from Canterbury to Rome. You will find a mixture of luxurious hotels, rustic hotels and agriturismo (farmhouses) along the way. Due to the long distance that the route covers we won’t be covering every style of accommodation but here’s an introduction to the most popular types.

Walking or Cycling any section of the Via Francigena is an adventure and the various types of places to stay are part of that unique experience. The Via Francigena (Camino to Rome) may be one of the most scenic and rewarding treks that you will ever take.

To help you to plan your trip we will review some of the types of accommodation you can expect on the Via Francigena:



There are many hotels dotted throughout the sixteen sections of the Via Francigena walking route. All major cities such as Reims offer modern hotel standards with some of the well known hotel brands. Smaller, stunning villages of Coole and Donnemont offer boutique style hotels in classic french surroundings.

There are also a number of high standard guest houses in the french sections of the route. Once you reach the famous landscapes of Tuscany you will stay in beautifully kept hotels in the stunning villages of Lucca, Siena and Viterbo.

Many of these hotels are traditionally decorated with a very romantic Italian feel to them.


These beautifully kept farm houses are the perfect way to experience the best of rural life in the Italian countryside. Most of the farmhouses are owned by Italian families. Depending on the village an Agriturismo property can appear rustic in nature or it can feel better than any five star rated accommodation.

Many of the Agriturismi owners are full-time farmers, part-time accommodation providers. They usually grow there own produce so as well as getting a good nights sleep you will have the opportunity to sample some of Italy’s best olive oil, wine and crops.

Agriturismo was developed in the 1980’s to encourage farmers to engage with tourists and the modern economy. The great thing about walking the Via Francigena is that you will come across these unique properties along a number of the Italian stops. Other holiday makers searching for these properties from the main cities will sometimes find them difficult to locate and too remote to reach.


Bed & Breakfast

Bed & Breakfast accommodation is widely available on many sections of the walk, from the UK B&B’s to Rome. B&B style of accommodation are commonly found throughout the UK. They offer a good nights rest as well as a full English breakfast.

The Italian B&B style of accommodation might seem the same as the Agriturismi properties but the difference is that the Agriturismi are farm stays. Bed & Breakfasts can be found in the major cities and villages along the Via Francigena.

You can expect a warm welcome at any family run B&B in Italy. Staying at a B&B allows you the chance to learn a little about traditional family life in Italy and you will be served a delicious breakfast each morning.

Convents and Monasteries

Some parishes in remote villages offer basic sleeping quarters to pilgrims for a fixed charge in convents, schools or monasteries. Unlike on the Camino de Santiago where premises might be waiting for the pilgrims to arrive on the Via Francigena the owners of these types of accommodation do not see a lot of pilgrims and would have other jobs in the village.

It should be noted that many of the smaller establishments will close for the holidays in July and August and close at least one day per week throughout the year.

We don’t work with hostel style accommodation. All of the accommodation that we offer have bathroom facilities and are of a high standard. We also have luxury upgrades available for any traveller who wishes to avail of the best and most luxurious accommodation options along the way.

Remember that smaller towns and villages on the Via Francigena are in remote areas and accommodation options may be limited so being organised is essential. Accommodation is scarce for budget conscious pilgrims in areas of France and Switzerland so you should book well in advance.

Also, it is a good idea to have a few phrases of basic Italian when communicating with hoteliers and accommodation providers.

For more information about the accommodation along the Via Francigena or to book your next holiday please contact our Travel Specialists.


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