Reasons to walk the Camino with Mom

Hiking with Mom

If you’ve never taken a trip with your mom, than walking the Camino may just be the perfect escape. You might remember going on trips with your parents when you were younger. I certainly recall Mom sitting by the side of the pool reading her book while I splashed around each day. The Camino is different. It gives you the chance to explore different places together. Now that you are a little older you can even treat your Mom to some tapas in the evenings and enjoy bonding over a glass of Albarino.

I am lucky because my Mom is pretty cool. She is chatty and will certainly make friends with other pilgrims, she is up for a challenge so I don’t think the distance each day will be a problem and she loves to get out for a walk so I think the Camino will be right up her street.camino-with-mom-porto-caminoways

The next time you are planning an adventure why not ask your Mom to come along. Here are just a few of the reasons why we think it is a super idea to walk the Camino with your Mom.

Get inside your mom’s brain

We all wonder sometimes why mother’s act the way they do. Why do they remember where you put your keys? Why do they ask so many questions about your love life? Getting away with Mom is a great way to spend some quality time together, you will have the chance to discuss things and get to the bottom of these questions.

Learn Something new about your Mom

Now is your chance to get some quality bonding time. It’s rare that we get time out to learn something new about somebody else these days but the Camino will give you that, so enjoy it. It could be something as small as your Mom likes to rise early and head off on the trails at sunrise or your mom is a massive Paella fan. You have learnt something new about her that you can pass on to the rest of the family.

Give your mom a breakwalking-the-camino-frances-caminoways

This is probably the ultimate reason to get your mom out on the trails. She deserves a break from her routine. Maybe your siblings are annoying her, maybe work is stressing her out, maybe she would just like time out to reflect and enjoy the natural surroundings without worrying about everything.

Your Mom knows your daily habits

Moms won’t judge you if you have a chocolate first thing in the morning and won’t wonder why you haven’t climbed the corporate ladder. Your mom already knows your ways and loves you just the way you are.

Sharing the bills

Going solo is great fun but with Mom you can share the evening meal expenses and maybe treat her to a meal or two too. Often Moms don’t treat themselves enough. I would guess from around the age of 0 to 10 or maybe 20 you didn’t get the chance to spoil her so now is the perfect time to buy some tapas and share a nice meal.

Meet other pilgrimstapas-on-the-camino-del-norte-caminoways

Join in the fun in the towns along the way. You and your mom will meet plenty of fun loving fellow walkers along the routes. The Camino Frances is the most social of all the routes so if you want to make some friends check out this trail.

Become lifelong friends

A walking holiday is a great way to build a relationship with your mom. As you travel from one town to the next you will experience everything new together. Take rests together when you are tired, search for more water when you get thirsty, sip some vino together at the end of a long day.

Memories of a lifetime

Think about looking through all of the photos from your Camino trip a few years from now. These memories won’t fade. A journey on the Camino de Santiago is unique and extra special with someone you love.

If you are planning your Camino with Mom our travel specialists are always here to help you along the way and you can reach out to them anytime. I will keep you updated when I get my Mom out on the trails soon.


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