Camino Preparation Tip #4: Motivation

Motivation on the Camino

Camino Preparation Tip #4 Motivation

Preparing for the Camino de Santiago? Tip #4 of the Camino Preparation Programme by Peter from D-Peter Health & Fitness Clinic in Dublin focuses on motivation.

How to prevent chafing

Do you have a Motto?

If Yes! Then write it down now in BIG WRITING on a LARGE A4 page or piece of cardboard!

If Not! Then make one up! What’s your goal? Think about it and put words together. It only has to mean something to you!

Make it POP Out, make it COLOURFUL. Put it over your TV, on your fridge door, the wall next to your bed, along with the dashboard of your car – Somewhere where you will always SEE IT!

Every time you will see your Motto, it will remind you of your GOAL, of what’s important to you.

Slowly it will Motto-vate you!

Slowly you will think back of the little excuses you made:

  1. The weather is too poor!
  2. I’m too tired
  3. I had such a busy day, I just need to sit down and relax
  4. My favourite show will be starting soon

Slowly, you will realise that the only thing stopping you from doing what’s important to you, is You!

Whatever your Excuse!

  1. Look at your Motto – Psych yourself up – Go for your walk or run
  2. Exercise Increases Energy
  3. Exercise makes you Feel Good
  4. Exercise Increases Work Ethic

This is Your Time – make the most of it!

Continue reading our preparation and fitness plan by D-Pete:

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