Camino Preparation Tip #1: Know Yourself

Know yourself, Camino Preparation Tip #1

Camino Preparation Tip: Know yourself!

We start the Camino Fitness Plan, 6-month countdown with Peter from D-Pete ‘Health & Fitness’.

All you need to know and do, to be ready to tackle the Camino de Santiago. Tip 1: Know yourself.

By Peter

Hello Camino enthusiasts! I am delighted to announce that I will be working along-side the fantastic team and I am equally thrilled to have been given the opportunity to provide you with specialist advice on how to prepare for your Camino adventure. I will be offering tips on:

  1. How to improve your levels of fitness
  2. Ways to prevent injury before and during your Camino!
  3. What you may expect physically & emotionally throughout your travels
  4. How to Prevent Chafing
  5. How to prevent blisters
  6. Stretching & warm-ups
  7. Local trails to hike …and much more!

So first let me begin by saying, well done and congratulations on signing up for your Camino.

This will be an amazing adventure and one you will cherish for years to come.

One of the main questions people are asking is, will I physically be able for this? So allow me to answer that question in two parts:
‘Yes!’ and ‘You will be!’ You now have 6 months to prepare, to get in shape and allow your body to adapt to the physical requirements which will be demanded on your Camino adventure.

Camino Preparation Tip 1: Know Yourself

So first things first, 2 Questions:

What is your physical condition?

I would recommend a visit to your general practitioner for an overall check-up before you set off on your travels.

If you have a health concern/condition, knowing and understanding the implications and consequences of strenuous exercise will be very important.

This knowledge will be worth its weight in gold and will minimize potential problems that may pop up during your travels. So let’s be prepared!

Are you in good shape?

If not, then let’s get you started on a regular fitness programme, one which is consistent, realistic and enjoyable.

I have created a 6 month ‘general programme’ that will get you in shape before your Camino. This is already available on the website:

*See 6-month Camino fitness plan for the first month’s progressions table: this month you should be exercising at least 25-30 minutes three times per week on alternate days and combining walking with jogging.

Include your hiking gear and keep your routes varied (mixing hills, steps and uneven terrain).

If you are in good shape and exercise regularly, great! Keep up the good work!

But remember you still need to challenge yourself.

Take more difficult hikes; add to your existing fitness programme always making sure that it works in accordance with the demands of your Camino route.

Continue reading our preparation and fitness plan by D-Pete:

If you have booked your Camino and would like to discuss any of the tips or action plan with us, please reach out on the form below and we will be happy to give you more advice on walking or cycling the Camino:




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