Great reasons to go on a walking holiday this year

Woman on a walking holiday

Great reasons to go on a walking holiday this year

New Year’s resolutions don’t have to be all about giving up things we like but can also be about kick-starting projects with fresh energy and trying new things that motivate us. A brand New Year gives us the opportunity to start afresh, full of worthy and inspiring resolutions; and yes, that includes turning (at least some of) our travel plans and dreams into reality. Great reasons to go on a walking holiday this year.

We believe all travellers should embark on at least one walking holiday this year and here’s why. These are 5 great reasons to go on a walking holiday this year:

Great reasons to go on a walking holiday this year

It’s good for the body and soul

We all know walking is good for us. It’s a simple fact: it keeps us active, fitter and healthier. Walking at least 1 hour per day should be our regular goal but studies also show that walking is good for our mental health since it focuses our mind and keeps negative thoughts at bay.

We can do it

There are trails suitable for all fitness levels so walking holidays are really accessible to most people. Our suggestion would be to start with one that will challenge you but that will be achievable. You don’t need expensive equipment or gear, just invest in a good pair of walking shoes and off you go!

Slow travel, meaningful experiences

The concept of slow travel means a more sustainable and meaningful way of seeing the world: it’s less about ticking boxes and more about having enriching experiences, absorbing what’s happening around us and embracing the culture of those new places. Walking holidays are the perfect example of slow travel and because you are moving on your own steam, (that is your own two feet), they are also gentler on the environment.

It gives us a new perspective on that place

One of the main reasons to go on a walking holiday for most walkers is the fact that they allow us to get a brand new perspective on a particular region or country: we get to see smaller places that wouldn’t be on the tourist trail for instance; but also to experience bigger towns and cities at a different pace and ‘live’ them more like locals, instead of rushing past them.

It gives us a new perspective on ourselves

Often, taking a walking holiday will give us time to reflect, if we are travelling alone, and to bond and have great conversations and reflections with others, if we are travelling with friends or loved ones. That is the main reason why so many pilgrims often mention the Camino de Santiago as a life-changing experience, in many cases, this is the first time in a long time when they’ve had time to switch off from their daily routines and have time only to put one foot in front of the other and keep going…

The achievement

Having walked 20 to 25kms per day each day for a full week, a full month or even longer will make it feel like so much more than a walking holiday: it will feel like an achievement and we can guarantee you will be looking to do it again, and again.


Looking for walking holiday ideas?

Here’s how our team can help:

Camino de Santiago

Nearly 350,000 reached Santiago de Compostela in 2019. The Camino routes are some of the most famous long-distance trails in the world and at we organise both self-guided and guided tours. You can walk as much or as little as you want, from a 4/5 day short break to 7/8 weeks if you start all the way from Le Puy en Velay for instance. Find all our trips here: Camino de Santiago routes.

Via Francigena

The Via Francigena or Camino to Rome is, like the Camino, a historic trail that originated as a pilgrimage in the Middle Ages. It is an epic trail crossing Europe. It will take you 3 months to walk from Canterbury to Rome but you can also walk smaller stretches, the section in Tuscany is one of the most beautiful and popular. Find all our tours here Via Francigena Ways.



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