CawleyCamino Day 2 to Arcade

Path on Day 2 of the journey

arcade-phil-cawley-camino-trip-caminowaysCawleyCamino Day 2…O Porriño to Arcade….23 Km.

by Eamonn

Kevin from Athlone was like a coiled spring outside the hotel in O Porriño this morning at 07.55 ,waiting for the off. Sucking a fag and stretching simultaneously. Doesn’t like that hanging around, a bit like myself. After some instructions from guide Maria off we went into the ealy morning semi darkness for a long day’s walking. A steep climb through beautiful cornfields brought us to the chapel of Santiaguiño de Antas, a welcome refuge for weary pilgrims on The Way. Some way further on at the top of a tough climb we had a welcome coffee break before our descent. Sisters Frances and Pauline from Dublin joined me briefly at the table but left telling me they didn’t do free counselling sessions! And they said I needed singing lessons as well.

I joined Marie from Cavan down the steep incline that lead to the bridge at San Telmo and she said there is a guy in Cavan who paints around all the potholes there to warn motorists. Now the council want to sue him for defacing the road..what about that for nerve? On the descent a black-clad elderly lady with a wide brimmed hat was mistress of all she surveyed as she stared ahead from her comfortable seat atop her rooftop patio, across the fields towards the sea which we saw for the first time since we arrived. Dave from Galway, working in Dublin, overtook us at speed, all that running to Salthill when he visits the folks, is paying off. Kick the wall..quick!

cawley-camino-walkers-caminowaysA German lady and her 18-year-old daughter on a bonding Camino asked me was I from Ireland when they saw Cawley’s moniker on my T-shirt.. how famous is he? Turns out they spent a week’s holiday in Rosslare last year and tuned to Today FM….discerning or what? We have been passing small raised stone houses in fields that Phil assured us were chapels for small pilgrims, Maria assured us they were in fact ‘horreos’, a decorative storage facility to keep the harvest pest free. Sap! A leisurely foot-resting lunch in Redondela was followed by two hours uphill and down dale before we finally reached Arcade.

Onwards we roll, a handy 11 Km from Arcade to Pontevedra tomorrow..famous last words..hopefully not!

Eamonn is walking the Portuguese Way as part of the #CawleyCamino trip with Today FM Phil Cawley.

Read Eamonn’s next post:

#CawleyCamino Day 3 from Arcade to Pontevedra

For more information about Camino de Santiago routes or to book your Camino trip, contact our travel specialists

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