The Camino Espiritual Coastal

Camino Espiritual Coastal is a wonderful trail taking pilgrims through beautiful coastal landscapes, villages and ancient monasteries from Baiona to Padron, following an alternative route to the classic Camino Portugues. This fascinating Camino route is also known as the Sea of Arousa or Translatio as it follows the trail taken by the body of St James on its way to Santiago. This wonderful tour combines walking and a boat trip across the Ria of Arousa.

When you reach Vilanova de Arousa, you can either continue walking along the coast or you can take a boat up the River Ulla to Padron where you will join the classic Camino Portugues to Santiago. Both options will enable you to receive your Compostela once in Santiago.

The Sea of Arousa Camino Espiritual route takes in picturesque scenery and villages in the region of O Salnes including the stunning coastal town of Combarro, Armenteira Monastery and the path known as ‘Ruta da Pedra e da Auga’ along the Armenteira River. This fascinating Camino route is also known as ‘Traslatio’ or Camino Espiritual as it follows the trail taken by the body of St James on its way to Santiago.

It is believed the Apostle James was beheaded in 44 AD, by order of Hordes Agrippa I, having returned to Jerusalem after preaching some years in the territories of Hispania (present-day Spain). The few Hispanic disciples who had followed him to Jerusalem, stole the body and loaded it on a stone ship that found its way back to Galicia, guided by the angels and a star. The boat carrying the remains of St James travelled up the River Ulla, berthing in Iria Flavia, the current town of Padrón.

Please note, if you’d like to receive the Compostela certificate in Santiago, you will need to start your Camino from Vigo on the Portuguese Coastal Camino or O Porrino on the Classic Camino Portugues before continuing on the Sea of Arousa Camino route.

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Camino Ways Route Planner

For over 1000 years, pilgrims from all over the world have walked the Camino Ways across Europe in their quest for spirituality. Making the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in Spain, they encountered a variety of people, cultures and beliefs, leading to friendship and new experiences. This continues today with the Camino de Santiago being the most well known and well-loved walk in the world. More than just a walk, the Camino de Santiago is an unforgettable and unique journey for the body, mind and soul.

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