Favourite Camino: the Pyrenees & Portuguese Coastal Way

Pyrenees-France-French-Camino-de-Santaigo-CaminowaysFavourite Camino: the Pyrenees & Portuguese Coastal Way

The third one of our Favourite Camino blog post series, CaminoWays.com Sales Director Jeremy finds it difficult to choose just one favourite spot. He explains why he likes the Portuguese Coastal Way and the Pyrenees and Saint Jean Pied de Port, starting point of the French Way.

Hello my name is Jeremy and the Sales Director with CaminoWays.

This piece is about my favourite on the Camino. I actually have two. During this time of the year when the sun is shinning I would really like to do the new Portuguese Coastal Way because it offers a lot while you are walking and you can stop by the coast. Each day you have the opportunity to go swimming in the sea, plus you can have excellent seafood each night.

The other way that I really like is the first section of the French Way, starting in Saint Jean Pied de Port, across the Pyrenees and finishing in Pamplona. This section is a particular favourite for me because I live in the mountain, I like the mountains, I like walking in the mountains. This section of the French Way across the Pyrenees is absolutely spectacular, something I definitely recommend.

*You might also like to read:
Roland favourite Camino: Le Puy en Velay
Sabela favourite Camino: Pontesampaio
Claire favourite Camino: Amboise  

*For more information about the Camino de Santiago and/or to book your holiday, contact our travel specialists.

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