Camino Recipe: Monk’s Ears – Orellas

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Camino Recipe: Monk’s Ears – Orellas

Our Monk’s ears recipe has its roots in Carnival. Carnival or Entroido is a special time on the Camino de Santiago. In Galicia, food plays a very important role in the celebrations, as usual, with traditional pork dishes and sweets being prepared for the occasion, and the days leading to the big day, Carnival Tuesday (pancake Tuesday).

One of those classic Entroido sweets in Galicia is called ‘orellas’ which means ‘ears’, sometimes they are also called ‘orellas de frade’ or monk’s ears! they deliciously crispy and sugary batter strips. Here’s a recipe for these deliciously crispy, sugary batter strips, tried and tested at the office:

What you will need:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 spoonful of aniseed liquor or cinnamon (optional)
  • 500gr flour
  • 75gr sugar
  • 50ml of sunflower or 50gr melted butter
  • 150ml of milk (or half warm water/half milk)
  • Grated peel of a lemon or orange – your choice!
  • a pinch of salt
  • a teaspoon of baking powder
  • Icing sugar to dust
  • Sunflower oil (for frying)

In bowl, mix the flour, one whole egg and one egg yoke, the sunflower oil (or butter) cinnamon (or aniseed), sugar and the milk and grated peel. Mix well and knead until you get an even and workable dough (not sticky). Take the egg white and whisk until fluffy, then add gradually to the dough mix.

On a dusted surface roll out the dough to a thin layer, then cut into triangular or rectangular shapes and fry on a high heat until they bubble up and get crispy.
Take them out of the oil and place them on a plate with kitchen paper (to soak some of the oil). Once dry/cooler, dust with icing sugar.

Enjoy our Entroido Camino food recipe with a cup of coffee, chocolate or a tea!

For more information about the Camino de Santiago, Camino festivals or to book your holiday contact our travel specialists


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