Walk the Camino for great causes

Charity walk along the Camino

camino-santiago-sharingpointWalk the Camino for great causes

At CaminoWays.com we work with many charities, groups and non-profit organizations, helping them organise successful fundraising trips to the Camino de Santiago and other destinations for great causes.

The Camino de Santiago is a very special journey, life-changing for many. These are some of the fantastic charities travelling to the Camino de Santiago and the Via Francigena in 2014, why not join them and walk the Camino for an even greater cause?

Trek 4 Hospice

Trek 4 Hospice takes place in April and the goal is to raise funds for the Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation. Based in Knock, Co. Mayo, Mayo Roscommon Hospice Foundation was set up in 1992 to provide specialist palliative care services for the people of Mayo and Roscommon, 365 days a year.

The majority of patients cared for by the service are cancer patients but the foundation also helps patients with  other conditions such as Motor Neurone, Muscular Dystrophy and MS. Would you like to walk the first section of the French Way route of the Camino de Santiago across the Pyrenees for Trek 4 Hospice? Contact Lorraine Toner on 094 93 88 666 or by email [email protected]

Diabetes Ireland

The Diabetes Federation of Ireland, created in 1967, is dedicated to helping people with diabetes through a network of support branches across Ireland, improving the lives of people affected by diabetes, as well as working too prevent and cure diabetes.

For 2014, Diabetes Ireland will be walking the last 115km of the Portuguese Way route of the Camino de Santiago, from the border town of Tui to Santiago de Compostela. Would you like to walk the Portuguese Camino for Diabetes Ireland? Contact Gary on 01 842 8118 or email [email protected].

-ACT for Meningitis

Based in Galway, the goal of ACT for Meningitis is to raise awareness and educate about the signs and symptoms of meningitis. The charity also provides support to individuals and families affected by meningitis, as well as organising talks in schools, hospitals and creches. The ACT for Meningitis Camino de Santiago fundraising trip takes place from 12th April 2014. If you would like to walk the last 100km of the French Way and ACT for Meningitis, contact Dawn McGoldrick on 091380058 or by email [email protected].


Set up in 1965 in Dublin, Gorta is Ireland’s longest established not-for-profit development agency. Gorta works with communities in Sub-Saharan Africa and focuses on long term sustainable projects established with partner organisations. If you’d like to help Gorta make poverty history and join them in their Camino fundraising adventure, contact 016615522 or by email [email protected].

Mainstay DRP

Mainstay DRP was created in 1989 by a group of concerned parents and carers of people with learning disabilities in County Down. Today, Mainstay DRP provides respite care, supported housing, day-care services and vocational training, as well as residential care to people with learning disabilities in the area. If you’d like to help Mainstay DRP and join their Camino trek, get in contact with Jim on 02844617184 or by email [email protected]

Sharing Point

Founded in 2002, SharingPoint is a non-profit organisation supporting adults recovering from alcoholism, gambling and drug abuse, offering practical help for their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. SharingPoint’s services are delivered thanks to voluntary work and voluntary contributions. SharingPoint walked the Camino in 2013 and the group wrote a great blog post about the experience, you can read it here: SharingPoint Camino Adventures

If you would like to walk the Camino for Sharing Point in 2014, get in contact with Robert on 01 2814784 or by email [email protected].

and, with dates still to be confirmed, the Alzheimer’s Society of Ireland will also be getting back to the Camino de Santiago in 2014, to cover a different route to Santiago de Compostela after their successful trip this year. Get in touch if you want to get involved by email [email protected] or contacting 012073800.

*To read about upcoming Camino de Santiago trips for charity or if you would like more information about organising a fundraising trip on the Camino: Camino de Santiago Charity Treks and Challenges.

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