Spooky Santiago de Compostela

spooky-camino-santiago-de-compostela-caminowaysWith Halloween, All Souls and All Saints Day coming up, we reveal the spookiest places and most haunting spots in Santiago de Compostela. Here’s our Halloween guide to spooky Santiago de Compostela!

Praza da Quintana

The Praza da Quintana at the back of Santiago’s Cathedral is divided in two areas: a lower part called Quintana dos Mortos (Quintana of the Dead) and an upper square called Quintana dos Vivos (Quintana of the Living). The square was used as burial ground until 1780.

And did you know the Praza da Quintana has a resident pilgrim ghost? Some say it is the soul of a priest who was in love with a nun from the San Paio Convent. Others say it is the ghost of a French pilgrim… he appears in the corner of the square every night.

Parque de Bonaval

After 1780, the burial ground for the city got moved from Quintana to San Domingos de Bonaval, today a peaceful park sitting on the old cemetery grounds, near the museum of the Galician People and the Contemporary Art Museum.

Capela de Animas – The Souls Chapel

souls-chapel-santiago-de-compostela-caminowaysThis neoclassical church built in the 18th century has an interesting and colourful relief depicting souls burning in the Purgatory, hence its name. Its construction was financed by donations of local devotees of the souls in Purgatory.

The little lane by the chapel is also called the Souls Lane: Ruela das Animas.

pilgrim-ghost-santiago-de-compostela-caminowaysAnd these are handy tips to stay safe from evil spirits in Galicia

-If you are walking the Camino de Santiago this time of the year, don’t forget to stay away from country crossroads at night, as you might bump into the Santa Compaña, a procession of wandering souls on a ‘recruitment’ mission.

-If you meet the Santa Compaña don’t make eye contact, don’t accept their candle if they offer it or step on to the closest ‘cruceiro’. That should keep you safe!

-Drink ‘queimada’ to keep the bad spirits away.

-Leave a token offering if you happen to pass a ‘peto de ánimas’.

-Remember there are bad witches and good ones, so try to spot the good ones and keep them on your side for protection.

Buen Camino and Happy Halloween!

For more information about the Camino de Santiago or to book your holiday, contact our travel specialists

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