Food and vegetarian options on the Camino!

Food and vegetarian options on the Camino!

As a food lover who is passionate about cooking, travelling also means trying the typical dishes of the places I visit and bringing home recipes and delicious memories.


I like associating food with something that could make a trip extraordinary. Some places are known and famous just because of a typical dish, and people travel to experience it.

As a vegetarian, this becomes even more challenging when you visit a place famous for its seafood, like Galicia and the Camino de Santiago!

When I started my adventure on the Camino, I was a bit worried about the alternatives and options for vegetarians. Still, I must admit that I enjoyed every meal offered. Usually, evening meals along the Camino include a starter, a main dish and a dessert. The vegetarian options I usually got along the Camino were delicious grilled veggies (trust me, they were!), unique salads, soups and cakes for dessert: food and vegetarian options on the Camino.


If we consider breakfast, the choice is even more huge! Compared to the rest of the world, breakfast in Spain is usually very simple: most of the time, you will find fruit, bread, butter, jam, pastries or cakes, and cereals served with coffee, milk, tea, or fruit juice. In some of the bigger hotels along the Camino, breakfast is offered on a buffet basis, made up of things like eggs, cold meats, and cheese.


As anticipated at the beginning of this article, Galicia is famous for its seafood and fish. Usually, the dinner menu has up to two choices between fish and meat.
My fellow amigos, Felicia and Sean, were delighted with the seafood they tasted along the Camino. In particular, the pulpo and other types of fish are usually served with vegetables. Galicia also boasts great recipes made with fish, like croquetas or empanadas con atun.


I was an omnivore in my past life, and when I lived in Santiago de Compostela a few years ago, well… I must admit that Pulpo, empanadas, or any other Galician food recipe with Seafood is simply delicious! Once you get to Santiago, there are plenty of good places to eat, and for sure, there is no problem about surviving! Santiago city centre is full of restaurants of any kind and pubs that serve delicious tapas with wine or beer.

Doing this Camino for me also meant returning to the memories, the places and flavours of my past Erasmus life. The feeling of walking along Santiago’s small and busy roads was unbelievable, the same ones I used to walk every day. This time was different and the Camino gave me the chance to discover again, with different eyes and more deeply a place that belongs to my heart. Observing people arriving at the Obradorio Square – tired but happy after a long walk, meeting my old friends or simply enjoying a glass of wine with a tortilla under the Galician sun (yes, there is this special guest sometimes) is just something that can’t be measured in money but just in moments and feelings.

Please get in touch with one of our travel specialists for more information about vegetarian options or to book your next Camino de Santiago Route tour.


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