CawleyCamino Day 4 to Caldas de Reis

path on the Camino

CawleyCamino Day 4…Walking from Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis.

by Eamonn

The hotel lobby was buzzing with “Googlegate” this morning when we assembled. Phil Cawley’s Friday night quiz had caused a furore with unsubstantiated allegations of Google abuse by some unnamed participants. Even some Germans in the lobby got involved and it was looking nasty for a while! However the Quizmaster ruled all objections out of order and King Ronan’s team won the day. Bunch of bleedin brainboxes we all agreed.

The early morning mist was lifting from the river as we crossed the bridge out of town. Hard miles ahead but a sense of optimism reigned. Susan from Lucan, who spent 6 years working in Edinburgh, got all the sports questions right and her tan is coming on great. A reasonably flat terrain near the railway line led us to a nice coffee stop in the quaint hamlet of Ponte Cabras…being a Cabra boy myself I could appreciate that. On we went and mother and daughter Mary and Deirdre had a nice pace going as we passed some babbling brooks. I babbled a bit myself and moved on. Some time later we stopped for lunch beside the spectacular waterfall in Barosa…a mini Glendalough… but with good weather.

A leisurely lunch was consumed and Mairead from Cork told me that she didn’t sleep well last night but has high hopes of an early night tonight..some chance I thought.. with this choir. Its Yvonne’s 12th wedding anniversary today..I’d say her husband will arrive in Caldas tonight to surprise her if he can get a babysitter. Onwards on nice flat terrain through corn fields and vineyards, the sun was hotter now and I could feel my hard neck burning. Passing some beautiful wild flowers in an open field I remembered my 96 year old mother who recently passed away. She would have loved this unique experience in her heyday…all these lovely people to befriend along The Way. I’m offering up the pain in my left foot for you Mum.

Phil got a tweet from emerging Irish band Delorentos who have been following our progress and are gigging in Pontevedra tonight…pity we were there last night ..I’m not walking back! We might get a cab though. Accomplished Traffic Warden Phil has been shouting a warning ” cars” as they approach and has become the local taxi men’s best friend as they all think he is hailing them!

The second last day of walking tomorrow Caldas to Padron a neat 18 Km…join me for more then.

Eamonn is walking the Portuguese Way as part of the #CawleyCamino trip with Today FM Phil Cawley.

Read Eamonn’s next post:

#CawleyCamino Day 5 from Caldas to Padron

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