Useful Italian phrases for your Via Francigena

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Useful Italian phrases

When you are walking the Via Francigena a number of the routes take you through the beautiful countryside of Italy.

While you might meet many English-speaking tourists and locals, you will need a few useful Italian phrases to communicate in the smaller towns and villages. Here are a few basic Italian phrases that you might find helpful on your walk.

I’m looking for…Sto cercando …
I’d like to…Mi piacerebbe …
Where is…?Dove è …?
How much is …?Quanto è …?
I don’t like itNon mi piace
It’s fineVa bene
Too expensiveTroppo costoso
CheaperPiù economico
Where are the toilets?Dove sono i bagni?
Conversation Essentials
Does anyone here speak English?Qualcuno qui parla inglese?
Good morningBuongiorno
Good afternoonBuon pomeriggio
Good eveningBuonasera
Bye/See youArrivederci
PleasePer Favore
Thank youGrazie
You’re welcomePrego
Sorry/Excuse meScusami
What’s your name?Come ti chiami?
My name isIl mio nome è
It’s a pleasure to meet youÈ un piacere conoscerti
Where are you from?Da dove vieni?
I am from…Io vengo da …
Can I have a … beer please?Posso avere una birra … per favore
Can I have a … glass of wine please?Posso avere un bicchiere di vino … per favore?
I am a VegetarianSono vegetariano
Could you help me please?Puoi aiutarmi per favore?
I’m allergic to…Sono allergico a …
I’m looking for the…Sto cercando di …
How do I get to…?Come faccio ad arrivare a …?
Is it far?È lontano?
Go straight aheadVai dritto
Turn leftGira a sinistra
Turn rightGira a destra
I am lostMi sono perso
Where is the …hospital? Post office? bus station?Dov’è l’ospedale? ufficio postale? stazione degli autobus?

For more information about the Italian sections of the Via Francigena or to book your Via Francigena walking tour, please contact one of our Travel Specialists.

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