New Camino Book: There’s Something Going On!

New book about the Camino

New Camino Book Alert: “There’s Something Going On!”

Enjoy the Camino from the comfort of your armchair, but be warned, it’ll whet your appetite even more to plan your own Camino!

In the current climate we all need things to do, and more importantly to look forward to.

So why not follow Simon on this magical journey as he walks nearly 500 miles (800 KM) along Spain’s Camino de Santiago.

What starts out as a book about a walk, soon becomes a beautiful story about people, of love, adventure, escapism, charity, and friendships. 

“I’m just glad I did it last year” Simon said, “the world has become a very different place and my heart goes out to anyone who was planning on undertaking a pilgrimage this year, or next. I really hope that the book will spread some of the magic of the Camino and enable others to share in its charm.”

Simon, aged 50, decided to take a sabbatical from work last year, “to step off the hamster wheel”, as he put it. 

The magic of the Camino soon revealed itself. 

Whilst he set out on his own, carrying his belongings for a five-week period in a small backpack, he soon learned that you’re never really alone on the Camino and that we need very little in life, apart from those that you can throw your arms around.

“My original intention for this book was to create a keepsake for my family, a legacy if you like.  As my adventures unraveled, and I started documenting my memoirs, the book wrote itself; an unintended consequence of my pilgrimage.  As for ‘the walk’, well it’s completely changed me and my outlook on life”. 

‘There’s Something Going On!’ encapsulates Simon’s feelings and emotions as he embarks on this incredible journey. 

Whether you’re a prospective pilgrim or someone that prefers to do your walking vicariously, this personal, playful account will tell you what to expect when walking the Way of St James.

Find out more in this beautifully written, colour book direct from Amazon, and other retailers, in both e-book and paperback versions, or visit Simon’s website at to find out more.

If you would like to follow Simon’s footsteps and find out more about walking the Full Camino Frances Route contact us on the form below:


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