CawleyCamino lift off… the journey begins!

Plane taking off, beginning of the journey

cawley-camino-todayfm-caminowaysCawleyCamino lift off… the journey begins!

As Today FM DJ Phil Cawley embarks on the CawleyCamino trip with friends and listeners to the show, his friend Eamonn will be sharing the adventures of the group along the Camino Portugues.

by Eamonn

Camino lift off…the journey begins!

Assembly time 10.30 at Terminal 2 Dublin Airport…all report bright eyed and bushy tailed…well almost. Coffee, cakes and introductions, crikey how will we remember who’s who? Terminal 2 is fab and seems much less cluttered than the old Terminal 1, fair play to the expansionist Aer Rianta or the DAA as my Da used to call them! Jeremy from was there to give us a pep talk and our bearings…ah! the welcome voice of experience.

Half the bodies that you’d meet at a decent wedding..but twice as nice. So good to meet new faces and the folks that will be friends for the next week…and hopefully longer.A good mix of city and country folk…definitely the Today FM demographic Phil would say. The flight to Santiago was smooth and uneventful, a pleasant 17 degrees when we disembarked, not dissimilar to home, but we believe really warm and sunny weather is on the way.

Us men are seriously outnumbered, but hey who is complaining! Some liquid refreshment was consumed under the guise of pre hydration but the importance of pacing oneself both on the walk and in the hacienda was emphasised. A short coach journey from Santiago to Tui just on the Portuguese border and off on ‘The Way’ tomorrow…watch this space!

Read next post:

#CawleyCamino Day 1 from Tui to O Porriño

For more information about the Camino de Santiago routes or to book a Camino trip, contact our travel specialists

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