Useful Spanish for the Camino

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Useful Spanish for the Camino

Walking the Camino de Santiago (particularly along the French Way route and as you get closer to Santiago de Compostela), you will meet people of all nationalities. Most people will come back from the Camino having made at least a few friends. You will find some Useful Spanish for the Camino below. Alternatively, for a more comprehensive list, you can also download our free Camino Language eBook.


While you might meet many English-speaking along the way (both pilgrims and service providers), you will also need a few basic phrases in Spanish to help you communicate, particularly in smaller villages and towns.

You will encounter other official languages in signs along the way, such as Basque (Euskara) in Navarra and Galego (in Galicia), but a bit of Spanish will help you get by. Here’s a list of basic Spanish vocabulary you might find helpful on your Camino. The Camino de Santiago just might be your chance to brush up on your Spanish:

Accommodation/Services = Alojamiento/Servicios

  • I’m looking for… Estoy Buscando
  • I’d like to… Quisiera
  • Where is…? Donde está…?
  • How much is …? Cuanto cuesta…?
  • I don’t like it No me gusta
  • It’s fine Vale
  • Too expensive Demasiado caro
  • Cheaper Mas económico
  • Where are the toilets? Dónde están los servicios?

Conversation Essentials

  • Conversation = Conversación
  • Does anyone here speak English? Hay alguien que hable inglés?
  • Hello Hola
  • Good morning Buenos días
  • Good afternoon Buenas tardes
  • Good evening Buenas noches
  • Bye/See you Adiós
  • Please Por favor
  • Thank you Gracias
  • You’re welcome De nada
  • Sorry/Excuse me Perdone
  • What’s your name? Como te llamas?
  • My name is Me llamo
  • It’s a pleasure to meet you Encantado/a
  • Where are you from? De dónde eres?
  • I am from… Soy de…
  • Can I have a … beer please? Una cerveza por favor?
  • Can I have a … glass of wine, please? Un vino por favor?
  • I am a Vegetarian Soy vegetariano/a
  • Could you help me please? Puede ayudarme, por favor?
  • I’m allergic to… Soy alérgico/a a…
  • ATM Cajero

Directions = Dirección:

  • How do I get to…? Como puedo llegar a…?
  • Is it far? Está lejos?
  • Go straight ahead Vaya derecho
  • Turn left Tuerza a la izquierda
  • Turn right Tuerza a la derecha
  • Open Abierto
  • Close Cerrado
  • I am lost Estoy perdido/a
  • Where is the …hospital? post office? bus station? Dónde está… el hospital? correos? estación de bus?

To start your Camino adventure, please don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about the routes. For more useful language tips, and phrases that you can use, you can download our free Camino Language eBook.

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