The magic of the Camino in one week

Magical memories on the Camino

Experience the Camino in seven days

Thousands of pilgrims from all nationalities walk the Camino de Santiago routes each year (over 300,000 in 2018 alone!) but not all of them spend a whole month walking the 500 miles that separate St Jean Pied de Port and Santiago de Compostela. It’s possible to experience an invigorating route along the Camino in a week.

Many pilgrims start their journey further along the routes, much closer to Santiago, adapting their distance to their fitness level or indeed to the time they have available.

It is possible to experience the magic of the Way of Saint James even if you only have limited time at your disposal, here’s how to plan a great Camino in seven days.


100 is the magic number

This is the number of km you should complete if you are travelling on foot and you’d like to receive your Compostela pilgrim certificate once you reach Santiago. Consider this if receiving the cert is important to you!

This means you’ll have to start your walk from the town of Sarria in Galicia if you’d like to experience the Camino Frances, which is the most famous and popular route. Sarria is the pilgrim’s top starting point for this reason.

You will be walking an average of 20-25kms per day which, with a bit of training, is definitely manageable. More details about this route here: CAMINO FRANCES FROM SARRIA.

You can also walk the Camino Portugues, the Primitivo, and the Camino Ingles in a short space of time also. See all of our week-long trips into Santiago here: LAST 100KMS INTO SANTIAGO.


The Camino in One Week on Two Wheels

Cycling fans can experience the Camino de Santiago routes on two wheels and it is work considering bike pilgrims will need to cycle at least the last 200kms into Santiago to qualify for their Compostela certificate.

You can pedal your way along the Atlantic Coast of Northern Portugal from Porto to Galicia: CYCLING THE CAMINO FROM PORTO.


Join a group

If you are looking to join a like-minded group of walkers to share the Camino experience with, consider signing up for a guided tour. They are ideal for those who want to be part of a group and if you are a first-timer.

Groups on our 7-night guided tours walk the last 100km of the Camino routes and are led by a professional local guide.


Walk And Coach

The Camino Walk & Coach tour is the best option for absolute beginners. This tour covers more ground (due to the coach) and combines sightseeing with short walks each day in some of the most scenic regions along the Camino Frances.

No matter how long you are walking for, it’s important to get fit and ready for your adventure. You can find some essential tips and tricks in our ebooks and on our blog.

For more information about the Camino de Santiago routes or to book your trip, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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