in the Blog Awards 2017 Final!

Blog Awards 2017 Final in the Blog Awards 2017 Final!

We are delighted to announce that we are in the final of the 2017 V by Very Blog Awards Ireland (#VbyveryBloggies17) in the prestigious travel category.

This is the third year in a row that we have been nominated for this award and we are proud as punch. We work tirelessly here to bring you all the latest Camino news, as well as hints, tips, recommendations, recipes and more because we love the Camino just as much as you do!

It’s a testament to our enthusiastic Camino community that we continually get nominated for awards. We’d like to thank everyone who has read our blog, listened to our podcasts, engaged with us on social media or attended one of our events this year. We wouldn’t be here with out you!

This year we decided it was time for a bit of a digital facelift. The old website served us brilliantly over the years and it was with heavy hearts that we said goodbye to it last month. But we are delighted with our shiny new website. It has a modern look and feel that we hope you love. We can now use much larger more vibrant images in our blogs (like the one of the team up there), and it’s mobile first so you can enjoy our content on the go, anywhere in the world.

Last year the blog awards had a circus theme and Aoife, Lisa and Maria (pictured above) certainly looked the part! This year the theme is Movie Icons and it’s my turn to get suited and booted for the occasion. The awards are taking place on October 5th in the Academy in Dublin. We’re really looking forward to it and we’ll keep you posted on how it goes on Facebook and Twitter!

For more information on any of our walking and cycling tours, please contact our travel specialists.


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