Wendy walking the Camino for Brain Tumour Research

Woman performing brain tumour research

wendy-mcmahon-camino-fundraising-brain-tumour-researchWendy walking the Camino for Brain Tumour Research

Wendy McMahon lost her husband Glenn in 2015. This September, she is walking the Camino from Sarria to Santiago in his memory and raising funds for Brain Tumour Research charity in the UK.

“Glenn was diagnosed with a inoperable brain tumour in 2014. Glenn bravely faced both chemotherapy and radiotherapy, never once complaining but was his positive outgoing self,” explains Wendy. “Throughout his treatment we continued to enjoy life: getting married and enjoying a wonderful honeymoon at Lake Garda, going out, travelling, eating and drinking and loving our afternoon teas. We spent time with family and friends.We met many amazing people who are working hard to support patients and their families, and we met others who work in research, developing treatments and cures for this terrible disease.”

Brain Tumour Research has four centres in the UK where the research is carried out. “They receive less than 1% of the cancer research funding and yet brain tumours are one of the biggest killers for the under 40s. Glenn and I raised £12000 last year- some of it from his funeral – as he sadly died on 6th June 2015; and this year we have raised £6000 so far. It costs £2750 to fund a lab for one day- so this is just a drop in the ocean….but my walk will hopefully raise enough money to fund at least one day. Your support will be gratefully received.”

At CaminoWays.com we’d like to wish Wendy the very best of luck and a Buen Camino.

You can donate to support Wendy’s fundraising in her JustGiving page here: The Glenn McMahon Foundation.

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