11 reasons we love Barcelona

Reasons to love Barcelona

What better way to start the Camino Catalan than a visit to the breath-taking city of Barcelona. This place truly has everything – incredible architecture, 12km of long stretch beaches, mountains, sensational food, bustling streets and culture. There really is an endless supply of things to do here that would suit everyone.


11 reasons we love Barcelona:

La Sagrada Familia

One of the most iconic landmarks in the world. The construction of the Cathedral began in 1882 and was designed by Catalan architect, Antoni Gaudi. The attention to detail of every aspect of the building is truly stunning. A visit inside and a trip up one of the towers is a must do.

Parc Guell

Another masterpiece by architect Antoni Gaudi, located in the Gracia neighbourhood of the city. The parc has been declared as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is a reflection of Gaudi’s artistic plenitude. The park offers stunning views of Barcelona and is a perfect spot for a picnic, watching the city life go by.

La Boqueria

There is a saying in Barcelona, “if you can’t find it in La Boqueria, then you can’t find it anywhere”. Located half way down the world famous Las Ramblas, the bustling market of La Boqueria is home to every type of food and drink imaginable.

Camp Nou

The 100,000 capacity stadium is a sheer amphitheatre of football. It is home to one of the most successful football teams of all time, having won an incredible seventy domestic trophies and five times champions of Europe. If you aren’t lucky enough to be there for a match day, then a stadium tour and a visit to the trophy room is a must.



A theme park that offers stunning panoramic views of the whole city. A funicular and a small bus ride will take you to the summit of Barcelona’s tallest mountain. The charming theme park gives you the chance to view the city from even higher vantage points from the comfort of a ferris wheel. For those of you that theme parks aren’t your thing, then there is also a gothic style church at Tibidabo looking over the city.

Majic Fountains of Montjuic

Head to Plaza Espanya at night time and witness the combination of water acrobatics, music, spectacular light motion in one for a magical performance. Even the locals return to see them again and again. It is even completely free!

Fiesta de la Merce

A truly incredible time to be in Barcelona, is every September for the week long celebrations of La Merce. The city comes to life with free music concerts, processions of giants, correfocs (fire runs), the week long parties and much more.

Museu Picasso

Located in the heart of the gothic quarter of Barcelona lies the Picasso Museum. World famous artist Pablo Picasso lived in Barcelona and his collections and early work are now held in the museum for everyone to enjoy. If you are lucky enough to be there for the first Sunday of the month, it is absolutely free – like all Barcelona museums.

The Calcatoda

If you are in Barcelona during the spring time, you might be lucky enough to be there for a culinary delight. The Calcatoda is char grilled spring onions, served with a selection of dips and is traditional to have them at the start of spring. They are usually served alongside a glass of cava, of course.


Las Ramblas

Las Ramblas is no secret to anyone. The world famous 1km boulevard from Placa Cataluyna to the port runs through the heart of the city centre, full of shops, restaurants, bars, street performers.

Gothic Quarter

This picturesque neighbourhood of Barcelona, has a maze type feel and has something to offer around every corner. A huge cathedral, peaceful squares and Catalan government buildings are just some of the highlights you can stumble across here. Just wandering around and getting lost in the heart of this neighbourhood is an experience in itself.

If you are interested in starting your Camino from Barcelona as part of our Camino Catalan walking or cycling tours, contact one our travel specialists today


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