Volunteer Warden Scheme for the Burren Way trail

Wardens for the Burren Way trail

Volunteer Warden Scheme for the Burren Way trail

As part of our annual Camino Ways Fund to support responsible travel projects worldwide, we are delighted to launch our support for the Burren Way Volunteer Warden Scheme.

The idea for the warden scheme is to get local walking enthusiasts to support the maintenance of the walking trail. Clare-get sidetracked, in partnership with the Burren Way walking trail launched their Volunteer Trail Warden program this week. A team of 5 rangers will patrol their section of the course every month, reporting any issues they find to the Rural recreation Officer, who will fix the problems with his trail maintenance team, will set the issues.

The Burren Way is a 114km long-distance walking trail around the Burren in Ireland, walking from the lively town of Lahinch, across the peaceful Burren landscape. This is one of many stunning trails along the Wild Atlantic Way. The trail includes the famous Cliffs of Moher, the most visited attraction in the country, with over half a million users on the coastal trail in 2015.

We are delighted to support the maintenance and management of the trail with the Greenlife Fund. The trail volunteers are made up of walking guides and landowners who have been kitted out with branded waterproof jackets, rainproof clipboards and personalised inspection sheets to allow them to record their monthly inspections of different aspects of the Burren trail. Trail wardens include Pat Sweeney, Eileen Jeuken, Mary Howard, Eoin Hogan and Sarah Clancy (all pictured in the image attached).

CaminoWays.com are pleased to be a part of this unique program which will address ongoing issues with trail maintenance, such as broken stiles, missing arrows and any safety measures that may need to be implemented on the trail.

Previous projects assisted through the Greenlife Fund included ‘A Greener Future’ run by two Canadian environmentalists who carried out a considerable clean-up effort on the Camino Portugues, collecting over 6,000 pieces of litter and ‘I’ll Push You a story of best friends Patrick and Justin who raised awareness about travel and disabilities completing the 800kms of the Camino together.

We will love to hear from you if you have a responsible travel project or an initiative that supports walking. Please contact our marketing team to learn more about the Camino Ways Fund.

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